SEO Reseller News

Finding new news in the SEO reseller space is harder than you’d think. There is a bunch of stuff put out all the time, but it is not really new. There are actually only a few big players doing reseller programs. You can find most of the big SEO resellers on page 1 in Google. Beyond page 1, you have only small fish. I monitor most of the activity to see what is going on. I also try to catch as much of the new stuff as possible as it flies out. Here is a new press release on the topic of SEO resellers. It just came out today and I caught it on Google news. Give it a read and let me know what you think. I think there is a point here about transparency. It seems that SEO is so secretive. I know why this has evolved this way, but am ready to see it change. The Internet is  a MAJOR marketing platform. There is just too much business at stake to be running around whispering about it. Google is a major source of traffic for many many businesses – this is just a reality. I like the approach described in this press release and think more resellers will go this way in the future as we let our hair down in regard to SEO.