There are many people out there who want to become you resellers. These people span for very small one-person businesses up to large organizations. You’re looking to increase revenues, and you’re in the region technology and, it is very logical to consider becoming an SEO reseller. It is, if you don’t already offer search engine optimization services.
If you sell web design or web host and, or example, SEO is natural extension for your customers. In fact, they have probably Re: ask you about search engine optimization and wondered if you were in the SEO space. Are people buying a website, SEO is a natural part of the website process. For these reasons, you should there looking at SEO resellers.
When you research SEO resellers, you want to try to find out what kind of firm is behind the reseller plan. This is because you only want to partner with a professional at SEO company. There are, unfortunately, many firms out there that will offer you in a SEO reseller plan but are not worth working with. As you will be bringing your customer to this product is important that the company you partner with is trustworthy. This requires doing your homework.
Searching Google on the term at SEO resellers. Spend some time with the results from the first page. It stands to reason that you want to work with a firm that is very good at search engine optimization. For that reason, the first page of Google is a great place to start. If they are any good, they should be listed on the first page. This is a great predictor of that type of work they will do your customer in the search engine optimization space.
After you’ve made your shortlist of SEO resellers, get to know each firm. Interview them. Have conference calls and ask to speak to people as high up in the organization as you can. You’ll have to recognize that large organizations will not let you speak to folks at the very top. A smaller boutique SEO firm might give you access to the leadership. In any case, form a judgment about the organization and how it will be to work with them after you’ve become partners.